Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What Thought Catalog Didn't Tell Me.

  • They didn't tell me at 18 how to not screw up my 20's, they told me when I was 22. 
  • There will be plenty of days when you don't like your life. And it's your fault. Because you created it. 
  • You can stand up for what you believe in, but there will always be someone who makes you feel stupid.  It's probably someone close to you, or an internet troll, either way, sometimes you lose.
  • You can adore Jennifer Lawrence and say the same body positive things as her, but no one will ever like you as much as they like her. Until you're rich obviously. 
  • You can't always indulge yourself in sadness, you should just deal with it. 
  • Watching Netflix all day isn't excusable, you just find an excuse. 
  • Being twenty something isn't an excuse for all those times you were drunk instead of studying. That's just you being stupid.

They forget to tell you that one day all your friends will have boyfriends (or find a better friend than you) and they will love you the same BUT things won't be the same.  You'll stay in your bed watching Breaking Bad while they are at Half Off Apps together. You'll ask them if they want to work out, but they already went to the gym with their boyfriend.  Instead of crying on their shoulder when you're sad... you'll cry by yourself and tell them next week if it comes up in conversation.   And it will be hard to be satisfied with loving yourself. 

You were too busy kissing boys instead of talking to them.  You wanted to fool around instead of fall in love. That's why you don't ever like anyone & it will probably take a while until you do.

Bad guys win.

You'll often want to punch your sibling in the face
and maybe one day you will. 

Stop looking at Pinterest unless you actually have the time to craft.

Traveling the world is a nice dream, but takes years of saving and for most people isn't realistic.

Being young isn't an excuse anymore.

There are a million angles on every problem and you'll never pick the right one.

If you need to post on Facebook a love letter to your boyfriend, just know that is a sure sign of your relationships NOT being as dreamy as you posted. Because... why didn't you just call him to tell him?

Good intentions don't mean shit. "Almost" is the same as "not".  And calling someone "sweetheart" when you consider it endearing, could probably insult them.

Graduating is fucking terrifying. And no, everything won't just "work out". Your life will be the product of your choices, and it's not all going to be ok just because your were in your twenties when you messed up. It will all be ok when you decide to create the life you want. And maybe you can't do that. Then you will have to learn to pretend that the life you have is the life you want.

And that's the truth.

Not as inspiring, I know. But i needed to stop letting people make excuses for me.

But then again, what good is the truth anyway?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You can cry on my single shoulder :)