Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Sometimes class conversation is way too applicable to my life. 

My professor in discussion of socialist feminism perspective: 

"If you see the world the way that it is and reject it because it’s oppressive, your consequence is loneliness and vulnerability… and that’s a tough way to live."

Trust me, I know. Reference my previous blog.  Thankfully my professor then pointed to the readings for our class that day...

And the solution? Alison Jaggar: "...feminists need communities that provide supportive criticism and critical support as they struggle with the contradictions of their daily lives" 

Really I wanted to thank people in my life for

- letting me cry when I think the problem's of the world are too big for me to handle. 
- distracting me when I start getting overwhelmed
- supporting my feminist crusades
- tell me that I will be able to make a difference
- Love me and remind me I'm not crazy

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