Sunday, March 15, 2015

1. Flights

All I can say is that I am the luckiest girl around. This past summer when I traveled in Europe with my best friend, Sam, we met LA native Chris at our hostel in Nice, France. After following him around there, we decided to meet up again with him in Barcelona. Chris being the friendly guy he was, Chris was also meeting a different friend in Barcelona, Ricardo. Us four hit it off and hung around Ricardo while he was on his layover with his awesome job of being a flight attendant for Delta Airlines. Through this crazy connection of people, Sam decided to apply to be a flight attendant... And got it! For a frame of reference: based on the rate of acceptance, it is harder to get a job as a flight attendant than it is to get in the Harvard. Girl is awesome.

How does this relate to me? Well, like I said, I am the luckiest girl around and Sam gave me a companion ticket from her flight attendant benefits. A $1,500 ticket for $250 Standby ticket. Sydney here I come. It will be 24 hours of traveling and was a little bit of crying (ok more than a little)when I said goodbye to my mom.  But I am looking forward to the free pretzels and kissing my boyfriend.

Story gets crazier... Waiting for my flight at LAX and I see Ricardo hanging out at the gate next to mine!! He was the good omen I needed.

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